Nirmal Labs
We can now easily calculate, Ours Age by Date of Birth
Finding difficult to calculate your exact age in years, months and days from your date of birth? Use this amazing Age Calculator app to calculate your exact age in years, months and days and even seconds using your date of birth.
Save your dates in the app including birthdays and anniversaries. Never again forget important dates!
With Age Calculator you can also calculate the remaining days of your next upcoming birthday or any anniversary. The app also acts as a date and time difference calculator. Calculate the difference between two dates and times down to minutes and seconds.
We are constantly working hard on making the "Age Calculator by Date of Birth" app better and more useful for you. We need your constant support to get going. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hi. We would love to hear from you.
✌️- Calculate your perfect age in years, months and days.
✌️- Calculate how many Month and days left for your next birthday.
✌️- Share your age with your friends, family etc.
✌️- Calculate how much time you spend on earth in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minuets & Seconds
✌️- Calculate your age on other planets of our solar system
✌️- Compare age between you and your friends, family, brother, sister etc
✌️- Add & subtract day from date and get new date.
If you have enjoyed any feature of Age Calculator do not forget to rate us on the Google Play store. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Property | Value |
Downloads | 1744 |
Version | 2.0.2 |
Updated | Sun Oct 27 2024 |
Title | Age Calculator - Date of Birth |
Summary | Age Calculator, Calculate your exact age Next upcoming birthday Remaining days |
Released | Jun 30, 2020 |
Recent Changes | Finding difficult to calculate your exact age in years.<br>Performance Improvements<br>Calculate your age by Date of Birth<br>New Features:<br>- Calculate perfect age in years, months and days.<br>- Calculate Month and days left for your next birthday.<br>- Share your age with your friends, family etc.<br>- Calculate how much time you spend on earth in Years, Months, Days, Hours, Minuets & Seconds<br>- Compare age between you and your friends, family, brother, sister etc<br>- Add & subtract day from date and get new date |
Installs | 1,000+ |
Score | () |
Ratings | |
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Price | Free |
Developer | Nirmal Labs |
Developer Email | |
Developer Website | |
Privacy Policy | |
Genre | Tools |
Content Rating | Everyone |
Ad Supported | Yes |
App ID | com.nirmallabs.agecalculater |
URL | |