Introducing Cash Coupons, your ultimate destination for accessing a plethora of discounts, deals, and coupons from various online stores across the globe. Whether you're in Brazil, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, United States, or any other country, our app has got you covered!
Key Features:
Global Coverage: We've curated a vast collection of discounts, deals, and coupons from online stores in multiple countries. No matter where you are, you can easily explore and access incredible savings.
Favorites List: Personalize your savings journey by adding your favorite stores to a dedicated favorites list. Never miss out on exclusive deals from the brands you love.
Seamless Store Navigation: With Cash Coupons, you can conveniently navigate to the stores' websites directly from the app. Say goodbye to tedious browsing and get straight to the savings.
Quick Store Search: Looking for a specific store? Our app's intuitive search functionality allows you to find any store by name effortlessly. Say hello to swift and targeted shopping.
Copy Coupon Codes with Ease: Saving money has never been simpler. When you find a coupon code in the app, just click on it to copy the code instantly. Now, applying discounts is a breeze during checkout.
User-Friendly Interface: We believe in making your experience smooth and delightful. Our app boasts a user-friendly interface designed to ensure that you can navigate through deals with ease.
Cash Coupons empowers you to become a savvy shopper, enabling you to access unbeatable discounts and exclusive offers from all corners of the world. No more worrying about missing out on incredible deals in far-off countries – our app brings them right to your fingertips.
From fashion to electronics, beauty products to home essentials, our diverse range of stores caters to all your shopping needs. Whether you're a frequent shopper or an occasional deal hunter, Cash Coupons will revolutionize the way you save money online.
Join our ever-growing community of smart shoppers who have unlocked the secrets to economical online shopping. With the global economy in mind, we strive to continually expand our list of supported countries and stores, ensuring you never miss out on opportunities to save.
Experience the power of effortless savings with Cash Coupons. Download the app now and embark on a budget-friendly shopping journey like never before. Happy shopping and even happier saving!
Property | Value |
Downloads | 1650 |
Version | 1.0 |
Updated | Fri Jul 21 2023 |
Title | Cash Coupons |
Summary | Unlock global discounts! Cash Coupons: Shop smarter, save bigger, anywhere! |
Released | Jul 20, 2023 |
Recent Changes | First version of the application Cash Coupons, the features it have are : - A search bar to search stores by country or in all countries at the same time. - Adding specifc stores to favorites by holding long click on a store item in the listing. - Copying directly the coupon code by just clicking on the coupon item. - Browsing directly to the store you are browsing by clicking on the web icon. |
Installs | 1,000+ |
Score | () |
Ratings | |
Reviews | |
Price | Free |
Developer | AppVerseStudio |
Developer Email | |
Developer Website | |
Privacy Policy | |
Genre | Shopping |
Content Rating | Everyone |
Ad Supported | Yes |
App ID | |
URL | |